Services Provided

Development begins prenatally and is a continuous process throughout our lives.  Dr. Brittany Hewett ("Dr. B") recognizes the multiple factors that influence children's development as well as the vast number of individuals who play crucial roles in those processes. She provides individualized information about the social-emotional, cognitive, and physical developmental needs of young children. She employs a multi-tiered approach that allows her to work collaboratively with families, educators and community partners to use evidence-based strategies to ensure those needs are met! Healthy interactions, healthy relationships, school readiness and children's overall success is the ultimate goal!

Below are a few of the services that Dr. B is able to provide.  If you do not see what you need included in the options below, please feel free to reach out and collaborate to ensure your needs are met!

Individual Family Consultation

Through observation and family report, Dr. B can consult with your family to create an individualized plan of strategies and interventions to:

1) Address any developmental/behavioral concerns that might be present 

2) Build upon caregivers' capacity and confidence to positively influence their children’s development

3) Build connections between families, educators, and community service providers

Group Family Education

Whether you prefer information on a specific topic (e.g. emotion regulation, transition from Preschool to Kindergarten) or a simple Q&A in a group setting, Dr. B is happy to provide related information and discuss any concerns!

Individual Educator Consultation

Through observation and teacher report, Dr. B can consult with educators to create an individualized plan of strategies and interventions to:

1) Address any developmental/behavioral concerns that might be present in the classroom

2) Build upon educators' capacity and confidence while honing skills needed in their daily work with children

3) Build connections between families, educators, and community service providers

*This service can either be tailored to an indiviudal child or classroom wide to aid in classroom management!

Group Educator Training

Specific topics (e.g., transitions, aggression and defiance, equity and equality) or a simple Q&A for a professional development day are both tasks Dr. B is ready and willing to assist with!

*NCDCDEE credit hours can be provided if requested prior to training date! 


Often children's developmental/behavioral concerns occur at both home and school, or across contexts.  In this event, it is important for all caregivers to collaborate with the same goal in mind.  In these instances, Dr. B can consult with both the family and educators to collaboratively develop a plan of action and support both in their implementation of proprosed strategies and interventions. 

Train the Trainer Model

If you have a professional development day coming up, but are not sure what to cover, let Dr. B create a unique and tailored experience for you! Training slides/content, activities and material lists will be created for you to use at your leisure and implement independently within your site as you see fit!